Medium-and Long-term Management Plan

Medium-and Long-term Management Plan 2029 —Trust & Challenge—

  The management plan “Dream2020”, which started in April 2012, ended in March 2021.
Sales expanded steadily and grew to a 100 billion yen company, but the profit margin declined due to the increase in investment and fixed costs associated with the sales expansion.
In April 2021, we formulated a new “Medium-and Long-term Management Plan 2029” and started activities.
We have also renewed our management philosophy because we are in the midst of major changes in the business environment.
By becoming a “company of choice for society,” we aim to be a company that grows sustainably and forever.
We have established “Trust & Challenge” as an action guideline because it is necessary to have a relationship of trust with the company, business partners, and society, and to always take on new challenges for sustainable growth.

Long-term Corpotate targets— Business transformation for sustainable growth —

  • The seat and electrical equipment business further expands the current business scale
  • Electronic business expands with the computerization of automobiles
  • Creation of new businesses other than automobiles by development centers and domestic affiliates

Necessary to diversify the business.
In 2029, these three businesses will aim for a balanced “three-legged business development”.

In order to achieve our long-term goals, we will set and develop goals for each of the three medium-term phases for the nine years up to 2029.
In Phase 1, which will be the first year of 2021, we will promote ESG management and strengthen the management base with the theme of “Challenge to the new IMASEN,” which means the transformation to the new IMASEN. Each business headquarters will take the first step toward the goal of 2029.
In Phase 2, the new IMASEN will continue to take on challenges. The theme of the electronics business is the recovery and reinvestment of upfront investment, and the new business is the establishment and profitability of the business.
In the final phase 3, the electronics business and new business will become comparable to the seat business by continuing to take on new challenges, aiming for a stable sales composition and growth into a highly profitable structure. To promote.

Medium-and Long-term Management Plan “Challenge to New IMASEN”

In Phase 1 (FY2021-23), we will promote the “Challenge to New IMASEN” to transform our business toward sustainable growth and build a solid business foundation.
The goals and priority measures in each segment are as follows.

Seat and Electric Equipment Business [Strengthening business foundation]

  • We will promote co-creation activities through a capital and business alliance with TS TECH Co., Ltd.
  • By launching new competitive products on the market, we will promote the acquisition of new business partners and the expansion of new orders.
  • By making a major overhaul of the production method, we will promote profitable manufacturing by controlling processing costs while ensuring high quality.

Electronics business [Investing capital for sustainable growth]

  • In May 2021, we completed the second technical center in the Hiroshima factory for future business expansion.
  • In addition, we will introduce equipment for EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) evaluation required for electronic products, which will greatly improve the speed of product development.
  • The number of electronic products installed in automobiles is increasing year by year. We will promote the development of energy-saving products that contribute to the global environment and products that contribute to ensuring the safety of occupants in the event of an accident.

New business [Creation of the third pillar business]

  • By utilizing the knowledge gained through the business activities of the non-powered walking support machine “aLQ” released in 2017 and studying “walking”, we will create a new business that extends healthy life expectancy and improves the quality of life.
  • We will create new businesses by pursuing synergies with the image processing technology owned by the Group.
  • The number of electronic products installed in automobiles is increasing year by year. We will promote the development of energy-saving products that contribute to the global environment and products that contribute to ensuring the safety of occupants in the event of an accident.

Strengthen management base, promote ESG management

  • Environment
    While developing products that contribute to the global environment, we will consider improving production processes from the perspective of life cycle assessment.
    As an internal activity, we have formulated the Imasen version of SDGs (ISP2030) “Making the Earth and IMASEN Sustainable” and have been promoting and deploying it since FY2009.
  • Social Contribution
    At the same time as building an equal and bright workplace, we will promote social contribution through domestic and overseas bases and related subsidiaries.
  • Governance
    We will further strengthen our risk management system, which includes prevention and mitigation of occurrence, and our compliance system, which includes not only related laws and regulations but also social conventions, and promote management with an awareness of capital efficiency.